Throughout our research endeavors, our team disseminates key findings through academic conferences and peer-reviewed journals. The publications produced by the Innovation Diffusion Lab and its members are available below.
* - Refers to Student Researchers
Chatbot Dialog Design for Improved Human Performance in Domain Knowledge Discovery
Oruche, R., Cheng, X., Zeng, Z., Vazzana, A., Goni, M.A., Shibo, B.W., Goruganthu, S.K., Kee, K. and Calyam, P., 2025. Chatbot Dialog Design for Improved Human Performance in Domain Knowledge Discovery. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems.
Fostering a Thriving Virtual Organizational Culture: The Development of Metrics for Ten Soft Skills in the Case of XSEDE
Kee, K., Jankowski, H., Knepper, R., Snapp-Childs, W., & Brady, R. (2024). Fostering a Thriving Virtual Organizational Culture: The Development of Metrics for Ten Soft Skills in the Case of XSEDE. SN Computer Science, 5(5), 615.
Tech Notes: Building a Community of Practice for Major and Mid-scale Facilities
Kee, K. F., & Hasan, M. (2024). Tech Notes: Building a Community of Practice for Major and Mid-scale Facilities (1.0). Zenodo.
The vision for science gateways: Bridging the gap and broadening the outreach
Gesing, S., Brandt, S., Bradley, S., Potkewiz, M., Kee, K., Whysel, N., Perri, M., Cleveland, S., Rugg, A., & Smith, J. (2021). A Vision for Science Gateways: Bridging the Gap and Broadening Outreach. Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC) 2021 Conference Proceedings (Virtual Conference).
If you build it, promote it, and they trust you, then they will come: Diffusion strategies for science gateways and cyberinfrastructure adoption to harness big data in the STEM community
Kee, K.F., Le, B*., & Jitkajornwanich, K. (2020). If you build it, promote it, and they trust you, then they will come: Diffusion strategies for science gateways and cyberinfrastructure adoption to harness big data in the STEM community. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
Applying the communication theory of Diffusion of Innovations to economic sciences: A response to the 'Using gossips to spread information' experiments conducted by the 2019 Noel Laureates
Kim, D. K. D., Kee, K. F., & Dearing, J. W. (2020). Applying the communication theory of Diffusion of Innovations to economic sciences: A response to the ‘Using gossips to spread information’ experiments conducted by the 2019 Noel Laureates. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 48, 158-165.
External communication to diffuse science gateways and cyberinfrastructure as innovations for research with big data
Le, B*., Escalera, F*., Jitkajornwanich, K., & Kee, K. F. (2019). External communication to diffuse science gateways and cyberinfrastructure as innovations for research with big data. Science Gateways 2019. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/MZ8BV
The adoption of collaborative robots toward ubiqitious diffusion: A research agenda
Liang, Y., Lee, S. A., & Kee, K. F. (2019). The adoption of collaborative robots toward ubiquitous diffusion: A research agenda. Paper presented at the 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2019) Workshop, Daegu, South Korea.
The grid-based spatial ARIMA model: An innovation for short-term prediction of ocean current patterns with big HF radar data
Pongto*, R., Wiwattanaphon*, N., Lekpong*, P., Lawawirojwong*, S., Srisonphan*, S., Kee, K. F., & Jitkajornwanich, K. (2019). The grid-based spatial ARIMA model: An innovation for short-term prediction of ocean current Patterns with big HF radar data. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (IC2IT 2019), Bangkok, Thailand. IC2IT 2019 Proceedings to be included in Recent Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2019, Springer. (ISSN: 2194-5357)
What is good feedback in big data projects for cyberinfrastructure diffusion in e-science?
Kee, K. F., & McCain~, J. C.* (2018). What is good feedback in big data projects for cyberinfrastructure diffusion in e-science? Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Seattle, WA, 10-13 December (pp. 2804-2812). New York: Springer. DOI: 10.1109/BigData.2018.8622573
Information diffusion, Facebook clusters, and the simplicial model of social aggregation: A computational simulation of simplicial diffusers for community health interventions
Kee, K. F., Sparks, L., Struppa, D. C., Mannucci, M., & Damiano, A. (2016). Information diffusion, Facebook clusters, and the simplicial model of social aggregation: A computational simulation of simplicial diffusers for community health interventions. Health Communication, 31(4),385-99.
The ten adoption drivers of open source software that enables e-research in data factories for open innovations
Kee, K. F. (2017). The 10 adoption drivers of open source software that enable e-research in data factories for open innovation. In S. Matei, N. Julien, & S. Goggins (Eds.), Big data factories: Collaborative approaches (pp. 51-65). Springer.
The 10 attributes that drive adoption and diffusion of computational tools in e-science
Kee, K. F., Sleiman, M.*, Williams, M.*, & Stewart, D.* (2016). The 10 attributes that drive adoption and diffusion of computational tools in e-science. In P. Navrátil, M. Dahan, D. Hart, A. Romanella, & N. Sukhija (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2016 XSEDE (Extreme Science & Engineering Discovery Environmental) Conference. New York: ACM. DOI:
Organizational attributes of successful science gateways and cyberinfrastructure projects
Kee, K. F. (2017): Proceedings of Gateways 2016: The 11th Gateway Computing Environments Conference. K. Lawrence, N. Wilkins-Diehr, and S. Gesing, Eds. figshare., Retrieved: 14 25, Feb 28, 2017 (GMT).
Conference Papers
Single-investigator culture, accidental data contamination, and geopolitics of data ownership: Three challenges of data sharing in big data science, cyberinfrastructure, and cooperative scientific work
Kee, K. F. (2014, February). Single-investigator culture, accidental data contamination, and geopolitics of data ownership: Three challenges of data sharing in big data science, cyberinfrastructure, and cooperative scientific work. Paper presented at the ‘Sharing, Re-use and Circulation of Resources in Scientific Cooperative Work’ workshop, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Disciplinary histories, funders’ priorities, and competing research methodologies: Organizational communication influences behind the emerging designs of cyberinfrastructure
Kee, K. F. (2013, November). Disciplinary histories, funders’ priorities, and competing research methodologies: Organizational communication influences behind the emerging designs of cyberinfrastructure. Paper presented at the National Communication Association annual conference, Washington, DC.
Defining cyberinfrastructure for communication, organizational, and diffusion research: Interactions and characteristics
Kee, K. F., & Browning, L. D. (2012, July). Defining cyberinfrastructure for communication, organizational, and diffusion research: Interactions and characteristics. Paper presented at the Oxford Internet Institute SDP Alumni Conference, Oxford, UK.
Challenges of scientist-developers and adopters of existing cyberinfrastructure tools for data-intensive collaboration, computational simulation, and interdisciplinary projects in early e-science
Kee, K. F., & Browning, L. D. (2012, February). Challenges of scientist-developers and adopters of existing cyberinfrastructure tools for data-intensive collaboration, computational simulation, and interdisciplinary projects in early e-science in the U.S. Paper presented at the ‘Data-Intensive Collaboration in Science and Engineering’ workshop, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Conference, Seattle, WA.
Disciplinary histories, funders’ priorities, and competing theories: Organizational forces behind the development of cyberinfrastructure in e-science.
Kee, K. F.  (2009, October). Disciplinary histories, funders’ priorities, and competing theories: Organizational forces behind the development of cyberinfrastructure in e-science. Paper presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science annual conference, Arlington, VA.