An NSF Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Center of Excellence for Navigating the Major Facilities Data Lifecycle
CI-Compass is a groundbreaking initiative funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to establish a Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Center of Excellence for navigating the data lifecycle of NSF’s Major Facilities. These facilities, including the Arecibo Observatory, National Ecological Observatory Network, and Seismological Facilities, drive innovation in science and engineering through complex data collection and analysis. See a complete list of MFs here:
The project (CI Compass) addresses challenges such as limited resources, training gaps, and the need for efficient organizational practices. CI-Compass provides tools and expertise to help these facilities optimize their use of CI, enhancing collaboration and improving their ability to process and analyze data effectively.
CI Compass is led by experts from Indiana University, Texas Tech University, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill/RENCI, University of Notre Dame, University of Southern California, and the University of Utah.
To learn more about CI-Compass, click on the following link to the NSF website:
Read some of the works on this:
Kee, K. F., & Hasan, M. (2024). Tech Notes: Building a Community of Practice for Major and Mid-scale Facilities (1.0). Zenodo.
Hasan, M., Kee, K. F., & Deelman, E. (2024). Building a Community of Practice for "Big Science" Organizations. Organizational Communication Mini Conference (OCMC), Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Zenodo.
Baldin, I., Brower, D., Butcher, D., Casey, R., Clark, C., Deelman, E., Flynn, B., Hasan, M., Kee, K., Livny, M., Mandal, A., Murillo, A., Nabrzyski, J., Pascucci, V., Petruzza, S., Romsos, C., Stanzione, D., Vahi, K., & Virdone, N. (2024). 2024 Cyberinfrastructure for U.S. NSF Major Facilities Workshop Report (1.0). Zenodo.
Deelman, E., Mandal, A., Nabrzyski, J., Murillo, A., Pascucci, V., Kee, K., Davis, C., Mayani, R., Rynge, M., Vahi, K., Virdone, N., Scott, E., Vardeman II, C., Clark, C., Brower, D., Fahey, J., Hossain, S., Petruzza, S., Scorzelli, G., … Okunloye, O. (2024). CI Compass: The NSF Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Center of Excellence for Navigating the Major Facilities Data Lifecycle (1.0). 2024 Research Infrastructure Workshop (RIW), Tucson, AZ. Zenodo.
Deelman, E., Mandal, A., Nabrzyski, J., Murillo, A., Pascucci, V., Kee, K., Davis, C., Mayani, R., Rynge, M., Vahi, K., Virdone, N., Baldin, I., Scott, E., Vardeman, C., Clark, C., Brower, D., Fahey, J., Cordova, J., Hossain, S., … Okunloye, O. (2023). CI Compass: The NSF Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Center of Excellence for Navigating the Major Facilities Data Lifecycle (1.0). 2023 Research Infrastructure Workshop (RIW), Washington, D.C. Zenodo.
Kee, K. (2024, March 1). Technology Adoption Research and the Cyberinfrastructure Community. National Science Data Fabric (NSDF) All Hands Meeting Feb 2024.
Murillo, A., Brower, D., Hossain, S., Kee, K., Mandal, A., Nabrzyski, J., Scott, E., Virdone, N., & Deelman, E. (2023). Building the Next Generation of Cyberinfrastructure Professionals (1.0). 2023 Research Infrastructure Workshop (RIW), Washington, D.C. Zenodo.
Deelman, E., Baldin, I., Barnet, S., Berriman, G. B., Brower, D., Casey, R., Chaudhry, S., Christopherson, L., Clark, C., Dobbins, B., Gohsman, M., Kee, K., Livny, M., Mandal, A., Mayani, R., Murillo, A., Nabrzyski, J., Olshansky, A., Pascucci, V., … West, J. (2022). 2022 Cyberinfrastructure for NSF Major Facilities Workshop Report (Version 1). Zenodo.